Semantic Annotations for WSDL WG teleconference

25 Apr 2006

See also: IRC log




Approval of last minutes

<JacekK> last minutes

RESOLUTION: accept http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060418 as a true record of the last minutes

<ericP> meeting: WS_SAWSDL

Action item status

<JacekK> ACTION: BNS, Rama to start the Examples document [ONGOING] [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action01]

JacekK: amended to contain Rama as additional editor

<JacekK> ACTION: John Miller (responsible: Amit) to start off the discussion about issue #1 by looking at the implementation and seeing if base URIs and relative URIs also help the way QNames do. [DONE] [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action02]

<JacekK> ACTION: Carine to ask the SWS-IG about use cases for embedding semantic annotations [DONE] [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action03]


JacekK: new member Jianhui
... face to face meeting scheduling problems - reschedule?

<ericP> 12 - 16 June?

JacekK: considered moving meeting to following week but some can't attend

<ericP> 5 - 9 June?

Amit: will be attending ICAPS 8-10 june

JacekK: Editors should be at the meeting

<holger> 6/7 works for me

<caribou> +1

<caribou> who has a conflict on 12th?

<ericP> Amit: is the 12 and 13th an option?

<Amit> 12-13 and option compared to losing some people?

Amit: is 12-13 an option ?
... canot attend on 13th

<holger> in case of 12-13 I could most likely join complete 12th

<caribou> 17-18th? :)

JacekK: would prefer 2 full days as opposed to two half-days and one full day
... might be better to move to around 19th

<holger> 19-20th looks good for me as well

<Amit> 19-20 better for UGA

JacekK: Either 19-20 or 20-21, will talk to Joel

<Amit> compared to 2--21 if there is a choice

RESOLUTION: face to face 1 week later than originally scheduled, specific dates announced at most at next telecon

Document status

JacekK: what has to be done to be good for publishing as working draft?

rakkiraj: need to add examples at beginning or it will be hard to read

<Amit> +1

<holger> +1, work on example needed

<holger> not sure with current example though

JacekK: publish first draft after face to face meeting
... we could discuss examples at meeting

rakkiraj: sent further issues to public list

<holger> I can not find the mail, does anyone have a URI?

<Amit> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-semann/2006Apr/0034.html

<holger> thx

rakkiraj: would it be too late to volunteer as usecase editor

JacekK: not too late
... between 1 and 3 editors for W3C documents
... add rama as editor

ErciP: will make commits on document in next minutes

<Amit> I will be editor in waiting if needed for USe Case, but I suggest Rama gets started

JacekK: are examples upcoming this week ?

rakkiraj: yes but not fully packaged, as there are still ambiguities

holger: would appreciate anything in terms of examples

<Amit> I think this would be helpful for use cases document: http://lsdis.cs.uga.edu/library/download/techRep2-15-06.pdf

<Amit> e.g see table on page 3

JacekK: any form of examples will be welcomed, can we tweaked later

<Amit> UGA will send two use cases

<rakkiraj> Thanks Amit. The pointer to your doc will be helpful.

<JacekK> ACTION: Amit to send their Master's Theses usecases [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action04]

<ericP> for publication we'll need a namespace for wssem

<ericP> http://www.w3.org/2006/xx/xxxx current namespace for wssem

holger: is there a document on guidelines of what is a reference for W3C ?

<caribou> pointers for editors

<caribou> about references

ericP: W3C usually host, unless it is persistent elsewhere

JacekK: Eric decides and editors implement

<Amit> sawsdl would be better as people will remember that

<JacekK> ACTION: ericP to decide our namespace and send it to editors [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action05]

<holger> vote for: sawsdl

RESOLUTION: namespace prefix sawsdl:

Type of modelReference attribute

JacekK: 4 options suggested
... if option 1, what will be value space ?

Eric: simple URI are the way to go

<JacekK> urn:foo is both URI and QName

<ericP> my:scheme

<ericP> +1 for only URIs

<caribou> +1 to IRIs :)

<ericP> right, IRIs

Amit: option 1 not viable

JacekK: option 2 implies 3 and 4, option 3 implies 4

<holger> +1 for IRI guess the "semantic" people are used to that from rdf/owl

<Amit> Agree with Jacek-

<holger> +1

JacekK: No one argues FOR qname, so we can go for URI' e.g 2,3,4 options

RESOLUTION: modelReference type is anyURI, issue 1 closed, new issue open for multiplicity of modelReference values

JacekK: because of time constraints, some issues in agenda might not be discussed

<ericP> holger, if you wish, i have prepared a namespace document that places the sawsdl namespace at http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/spec/sawsdl

JacekK: Telcon ends

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Amit to send their Master's Theses usecases [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: ericP to decide our namespace and send it to editors [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action05]
[PENDING] ACTION: BNS, Rama to start the Examples document [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action01]
[DONE] ACTION: Carine to ask the SWS-IG about use cases for embedding semantic annotations [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action03]
[DONE] ACTION: John Miller (responsible: Amit) to start off the discussion about issue #1 by looking at the implementation and seeing if base URIs and relative URIs also help the way QNames do. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20060425#action02]