EPUB Summit

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Coordinated Universal Time
Bordeaux, France

Ivan Herman, W3C Digital Publishing Activity Lead, will present our work on Portable Web Publications, one of the major topics of discussion at W3C on the convergence of the Open Web Platform and the goals of the Digital Publishing Community.

During two days in April, the 2016 EPUB Summit is a unique chance to meet and share opinions, concerns, challenges and key achievements with European publishers, distribution platforms, digital stores, suppliers, and public institutions to get to know the potential of the EPUB format. The digital publishing actors will gather around deep analysis, demonstrations, workshops and collaborative works to share best practices and learn about the latest developments on the format.

Meet Ivan Herman (W3C Digital Publishing Activity Lead), Markus Gylling (IDPF Technical Director), Ric Wright (Readium Technical Director), Virginie Clayssen (SNE Digital comittee President), Pierre Danet (EDRLab President), Laurent Le Meur (EDRLab Technical Director), and many more.