

W3C Talks for the year 2000

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Charles McCathieNevile gave a presentation titled Web Accessibility, present and future (in Italian) for the W3C Italian Office at CNR in Rome, Italy. An English version is available.
Karl Dubost attended LexiPraxi 2000, sponsored by the Association des Informaticiens de Langua Française. He gave a presentation titled Être strict pour partager: les standards du W3C pour garantir le multilinguisme sur internet.
6 - 8
Kazuhiro Kitagawa gave a talk at DBWeB2000, in Tokyo, Japan. The conference is held by IPSJ, Information Processing Japan, and ACM SIGMOD Japan Charter. Kazuhiro introduced the W3C TV and Web Activity and the Device Independence Activity. Details are available in Japanese.
3 - 8
XML 2000 Conference in Washington, D.C., USA. W3C was a co-sponsor of this event.


28 - 30
The W3C Advisory Committee met in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. This meeting is open only to the W3C Membership.
Bert Bos presented PhotoRDF and rdfpic — an application of RDF to holiday pictures at the EU Workshop Semantic Web technologies, in Luxembourg.
The W3C Dutch Office organized a one day course on XHTML in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The speaker was Steven Pemberton, CWI, Chair of the XHTML Working Group. For more details, see the Office events page.
20 - 24
Massimo Marchiori attended IPA Fall Days on Applied Algorithm Design, in Millingen aan de Rign, Holland. He gave a presentation titled WWW: Where, Where, Where - Searching the World Wide Web.
Joseph Reagle attended Legal XML at MIT. He gave a presentation titled, Overview of W3C and XML.
Charles McCathieNevile and Jason White attended the Web Accessibility Summit in Melbourne, Australia. They gave a presentation titled WAI, The Web Content Guidelines and future directions in Web Accessibility.
15 - 16
Karl Dubost attended the International Web Accessibility Summit in Melbourne, Australia. He gave a presentation titled W3C standards as a guarantee for Accessibility and Interoperability.
Yves Lafon made a presentation to the Cabinet du Premier Ministre. The talk emphasized WAI, and gave an overview of W3C Activities.
Philipp Hoschka attended the Opening of the W3C Office at EMI, Morocco. He spoke on the topic of The W3C Architecture Domain.
Charles McCathieNevile presented WAI y la accessibilidad de SMIL y SVG, IV Jornadas del SIDAR, Spain (in Spanish; English version also available).
P3P Interop Session in Palo Alto, California. This event brings together software developers and web site operators to "test drive" P3P and demonstrate its uses and capabilities


31 - 3 November
The W3C Australian Office was represented at XML Asia Pacific in Sydney, Australia.
24 - 25
Charles McCathieNevile gave a presentation titled, SVG, SMIL 2, XSLT - Extending the Web at the Helsinki University of Technology and Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
Vincent Quint and Irène Vatton attended the MathML Conference, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. They gave a presentation titled Editing MathML on the Web with Amaya.
20 - 21
W3C co-sponsored the first MathML conference at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Karl Dubost presented RDF et les métadonnées at École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
The W3C Dutch Office organized a one day course on SVG and SMIL, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Speakers were F.R.A. Hopgood, W3C, and L. Rutledge, CWI and member of the SMIL Working Group. For more details, see the Office events page.
17 - 27
XML Days Europe. The W3C German Office hosted an informational booth in Munich, Germany.
Dave Raggett attended the Voice Portals Conference in London, UK. He gave a presentation titled W3C work on Voice Interaction.
3 - 4
The W3C/WAP Forum Workshop on Device Independent Authoring was held at HP Labs in Bristol, UK.
Dave Raggett attended the Device Independent Authoring workshop in Bristol, UK. He gave a presentation titled Device Independent Authoring - Is it realistic?
2 - 6
Vincent Quint gave the opening keynote address at the 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management in Juan-les-Pins, France.


Karl Dubost presented RDF et les métadonnées at Bibilothèque Nationale de France, Paris.
Tim Berners-Lee presented XML and the Web at XML World 2000 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
5 - 8
W3C co-sponsored the Seventeenth International Unicode Conference in San Jose, California, USA. Martin Dürst of W3C/Keio University presented the tutorial Weaving the Multilingual Web: Standards and their Implementations.
5 - 6
The W3C/WAP Forum Workshop on the Multimodal Web was held in Hong Kong, PROC.


W3C P3P Working Group Members made presentations at the Sommer Akademie 2000 sponsored by the Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel, Germany.
Bert Bos presented Stijlvolle en toegankelijke Web-pagina's — CSS en de Web Accessibility Guidelines (in Dutch) at the University of Groningen.
15 - 18
Michael Sperberg-McQueen served as co-chair for the Extreme Markup Languages 2000 Conference in Montreal, Canada.


Martin J. Dürst attended the Multilingual Internet Name Workshop in Yokohama, Japan. He gave a presentation titled Multilingual Domain Names: W3C Concerns and Contributions.
Charles McCathieNevile attended an accessibility seminar held by the Office of Government Online, Canberra, Australia. He spoke on the topic of WAI Guidelines.


10 - 15
Chris Lilley chaired the Graphics track at XML Europe 2000.


15 - 19
Ninth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW9), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Device Independent Web
Building a Web of Trust
Making the Multimedia, Multilingual Web
XML Architecture: All About Structure
Presentation and Transformation
Open Source, Open Microphone
Developers' Day


18 - 20
Charles McCathieNevile attended FOSE 2000, in Washington, DC, USA. His presentation was titled Making the Web Accessible.


Chris Lilley delivered a paper entitled Internationalisation and Localisation with SVG at the 16th International Unicode Conference, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Marja-Riitta Koivunen, Charles McCathieNevile, and Ian Jacobs presented at CSUN 2000 in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Their presentation was titled Toward Accessible Multimedia.
5 - 9
Chris Lilley spoke at the WinWriters Online Help Conference in San Diego, California, USA.
5 - 8
Tim Berners-Lee gave a keynote at the eBusiness Summit Winter 2000 in San Diego, California, USA.


24 - 1 March
Bert Bos, Johan Hjelm, Bob Hopgood, Rigo Wenning and staff from the W3C German Office attended CeBIT, in Hannover, Germany.
Ian Jacobs presented Presentazione Generale del W3C al Palazzo Chigi, in Rome, Italy.
Chris Lilley spoke at the Future of Web Graphics Symposium at the Universite of Jussieu, Paris, France.
Chris Lilley spoke at Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.


31 - 2 February
Philipp Hoschka, Jean-François Abramatic and Thierry Michel presented at Imagina 2000, in Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Dan Connolly spoke at the ALA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA.