The WAI to Web Accessibility


The WAI to Web Accessibility

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Coordinated Universal Time
Boulder, CO, USA
Shawn Henry and Sharron Rush

The Web Accessibility Initiative(WAI)is the place where digital accessibility is defined and maintained within the W3C, the standards-making body for the web. But standards can be intimidating to read and hard to use directly in practice. In this class we'll help you find the gold within the WAI website - resources to help you create an environment where accessibility flourishes. Whatever your role in the accessibility ecosystem of your organization, we have new and clearly designed resources to help you prepare a business case to secure management support, train developers new to accessibility, integrate accessibility into a project plan, write accessibility policy, meet international standards, or learn best practices for mobile accessibility. Whatever your web accessibility questions, and we'll show you where to go for answers. You'll also get a sneak peak at new resources in development and learn how you can help advance web accessibility and share your insights.